
We live in an amazing time.  Not long ago, if you wanted to open a retail store to sell something, you’d have to buy or rent a space to do it, pay for utilities, inventory, staff, and on and on.

Today, anybody can start a retail store online in no time, selling to the entire world.  

With websites like Shopify, Clickfunnels, and WooCommerce, it’s never been easier to set up an e-commerce store of your own.

You could honestly be up and running and make money with little to no technical experience whatsoever.

Below is a list of options that you can use to set up your online store.  I’ve also written a blog post that you can check out HERE that will literally walk you through the process, step by step.

Depending on how you plan to set up your E-Commerce store, you may need to start with Web Hosting.  Blue Host is a phenomenal company to deal with.  This website is hosted through Blue Host and I wouldn’t have it any other way.  The customer support is fantastic and you can get hosting (and a free domain) for as little as $3.95/mo.

Shopify is easily the most popular e-commerce solution on the internet.  The best part of using Shopify is the massive amount of integrations available to help you on your e-comm journey.  When I built my first Shopify store I discovered a website called Printify that linked directly to Shopify and fulfulled Print On Demand T-Shirt orders.  It literally created a store that worked itself, all I had to do was create designs and push traffic to the store. Shopify handled the rest.  If you’re new to e-commerce and you’re looking for a hands off, dropship store, Shopify is the way to go.

Click Funnels is a different type of platform from Shopify, but you absolutely cannot deny it’s effectiveness.  The downside to ClickFunnels is that it’s not cheap, but the software is so simple to use that you can literally have a funnel live within 15-30 minutes.  The support team is great and their knowledge base is so full of information that 99% of what you need is available with a simple Google search.  The idea of Click Funnels is to make an offer from an ad that drives traffic to the site, from there Click Funnels works its magic of upsells and one time offers to increase your average ticket per customer.  There are so many ways to make money with Click Funnels is crazy.  If you click the link HERE you can get a free 14 day trial of Click Funnels to check it out.  As simple as it is to pick up, you could be making money before your trial period is even over.